The School Day
School starts at 8.45am. In order for the children to be in school and ready to start the day, doors will open at 8.30am. All children are dropped at the school gate and staff guide them into their classroom.
Break are staggered and each year group has a 15 minute break.
Lunch time is staggered. Year groups have between 45 minutes and 1 hour for this. There is a range of sports equipment and games for the children to play with whilst being supervised and cared for by our lunchtime controllers. During the warmer months children have access to our playing fields.
The school day ends at 3.10pm (from September 2023 the day will end at 3.15pm). Children are released to known parents/collectors once acknowledged by the teacher. If you need to change your child’s collection arrangements, please contact the school office as soon as possible to ensure the teacher is made aware of the change.