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Soaring to Success

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Southcote Primary School Soaring to Success



At the Kennet Federation, the intention of our MFL curriculum is to develop an interest in and thirst for learning other languages. We aim to introduce the learning of the French language and the understanding of its culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways. We hope to embed the essential skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. We aim to broaden the children’s cultural understanding by the awareness of similarities and differences between familiar and unfamiliar cultures. In addition to this, the use of intercultural teaching throughout the MFL curriculum will ensure the children recognise relevance with their own lives and thus enhance the long term memory and joy of discovery. In short, we hope to lay the foundations for future language learning.


MFL is taught in an inclusive way. All French lessons are taught using strategies to suit the needs of individuals such as the use of repetition and a multisensory approach. Learning phonics and counting in a foreign language, for example, are both activities that can be taught through the medium of music and singing; a fun activity that can boost confidence and support memory. From flashcards and whiteboards to animations and storyboards, there are a range of audio and visual teaching techniques that lend themselves to MFL, thus boosting SEN pupils’ chances of success and enjoyment.


French lessons are planned to meet the needs of all children including SEN children, those who show a particular strength in MFL and children for whom English is an additional language. Our principal aim will be to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding with suitable tasks that challenge and promote equity among all. 



To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in MFL, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout Key Stage Two. MFL is taught in discrete lessons covering at one unit per half term.


The MFL curriculum at the Kennet Federation is based upon the 2014 Primary National Curriculum in England, which provides a broad framework that outlines the knowledge and skills taught. We have introduced the Rising Stars scheme of work. Teachers have begun to follow the comprehensive Rising Stars scheme, alongside supplementary support of the CGP Salut programme (where appropriate) which ensures clear progression of knowledge and skills. The teaching of MFL in the Federation provides an excellent opportunity to further explore our school values, such as tolerance, appreciation, respect and growth mindset. Having a clearly structured scheme in place will allow teachers to access previous learning so effective prior knowledge and understanding can be achieved to ensure the work planned is pitched at the correct level. A variety of teaching approaches are used based on the teacher’s judgement.


In MFL, skills in speaking, reading and writing another language are developed through a multi-sensory approach such as rhymes, songs, stories and repetition. From the beginning of KS2, children are introduced to the pronunciation of French letters and phonemes and develop understanding of grammar in another language.



At the end of KS2, pupils will have developed a good foundation that will prepare them for the next stage of their language-learning journey (KS3) and be able to:

  • Become resilient, independent learners who enjoy language learning and acquire language learning skills and strategies that allow them to succeed
  • Recognize similarities and differences between English (and other languages pupils speak) and French
  • Have a deeper understanding of cultural differences and similarities, including French as a world language
  • Become more receptive and open to other cultures and traditions
  • Feel more confident when going on holidays, abroad and be able to structure a simple real life conversation using French language
  • Increase confidence when independently structuring sentences and expressing simple ideas in another language
  • Improve job opportunities
  • Foster pupils’ positive view of themselves as language learners