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Southcote Primary School

Soaring to Success

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Southcote Primary School Soaring to Success


Every school is required to have a Governing Body. It is a team of volunteers who have a collective responsibility for making sure that all children in the school receive the best education possible in a safe and caring environment.  The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school. The Governing Body is strategic and plays an important role in school leadership. They have a collective responsibility to provide challenge and support to the school in relation to plans for the future and the achievement of ambitious aims and targets. 


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


Governors undertake regular monitoring visits to the school and individuals have a Link Governor responsibility. All governors meet as a full governing body throughout the year in addition to two subcommittees: Curriculum and Resources. Additionally, the Chair and Headteacher meet regularly. 


The Federation Governing Body is made up of a combination of appointed, elected and co-opted Governors.


The Clerk to the Governors supports the Governing Body by circulating agendas and documentation and taking minutes. To contact the Clerk please email:


Your comments and suggestions are always welcomed by the Governors. We would like to hear from you!


Instrument of Government:




Please see Governor Profiles for further information about the Federation Governing Body.

Committee Membership 2024-2025

Business Interests 2023-2024