Learning at Home
It is important here at Southcote that school and families work together in partnership. Supporting your child with learning at home is an integral part of this partnership. Learning at home looks different depending on the age of your child. In all year groups reading with your child is essential to help them in their learning. In EYFS and Year 1 this will include both reading to your child and listening to your child read. As the children get older please encourage your child to read to you and talk about what they have read.
In FS2 we use an online learning journal called Tapestry. This is where the teaching team record your child's learning and successes through photographs and comments. As a parent you will have access to Tapestry and can make contributions to your child's learning journey. When your child joins us at Southcote, you will receive further details including how to log in and set up your account.
In Year 1 you will be invited to attend a Phonics workshop. Phonics is a building block of early reading and any support you can give your child in this will be of benefit. The workshop introduces you to Phonics and how to support your child. The Year 1 team will also support you with Phonics materials to help your child.
Home Learning/Homework will look different in each year group, for example some year groups will focus just on spellings or reading whilst in Year 6 homework will be very specific.
Home learning does not need to be formally given. Things such as cooking, going for walks, talking about books and ideas, learning times tables are all valuable ways in which you can support your child. Writing shopping lists, understanding money, telling the time and reading a bus timetable are all essential skills you can help us to teach your child.
Where homework is set it can be found below. If you have any questions your class teacher will be able to help.
N.B To access flash based websites on an iPad/tablet there is a free app available called Puffin which will enable these sites to work.