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Southcote Primary School

Soaring to Success

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Southcote Primary School Soaring to Success

Junior Leadership Team

The JLT is a group of children voted by their classmates to listen to ideas and represent their classmates’ ideas and concerns in regular JLT meetings.

Meet The Team!


1PJ Natalia

1NR Chloe

1SM  Liyana

2KT Jaxon B

2TH Chancia

2LR  Max

3BI is Jessprina

3EL Warren

3AG Kye

4BB Viktor

4AS Mylo

4CF Jack

5ER Ruby

5NC Laney

5JH Sophia

6CH Angus

6SA Harlen

6RS Adam

You said:


When learning:

  • Can we use our outside area and pond more?
  • Can we go on school trips again?
  • Can we have more chance to cook within lessons?
  • Can we visit our library area more often?
  • Let’s organise Theme days within Year groups to support topics!
  • We should give time for children who have behaved well (Gold or above) to get a reward
  • Please start up after school activity clubs again!


You said:


On the playground:

  • Breaktimes are boring at the moment.
  • Please could we have more equipment?
  • We’d like the chance to play more sport
  • It’d be great to have music playing
  • Sometimes people can’t find friends to play with


What has JLT achieved so far?


  • New playground rotas set up
  • New play equipment ordered and on playgrounds!
  • Playground equipment monitors chosen to take care of new equipment.
  • Play Leaders chosen to help include everyone in a fun time at Breaks and Lunches.
  • Eco Monitors chosen to keep watchful eyes on any unnecessary energy waste around our school.
  • Work with Caterlink to improve children’s satisfaction with food at lunchtimes.

Today (3rd May 2023) our JLT had the chance to meet Councillor Rachel Eden, Mayor of Reading. The children asked our visitor many questions about her role and the responsibility of being a Mayor as well as enjoying some treats together!