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Southcote Primary School

Soaring to Success

Contact Us

Contact Details

Southcote Primary School Soaring to Success


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 


Choosing a school is a very important decision for any family. We aim to provide the best education both academically and socially for your children and we do this by working in close co-operation and partnership with parents and the local community.


At Southcote we have a three form of entry policy where all children are admitted in the September of the year they turn five. The School will admit 90 children born between September 1st and August 31st for each academic year. Non-routine admissions are accepted throughout the school year.


Brighter Futures for Children manage all admissions to Southcote Primary on behalf of Reading Borough Council and the school has no influence in the application of the Admissions Policy. All applications should be made to Brighter Futures for Children. Further information can be found here. Brighter Futures for Children also manage the appeal process.


We hope the information on this site and in our Prospectus is helpful. If you would like to make an appointment to visit the school or if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us.